Press release: Snug’s live event leads the UK way
EMBARGO: 9am BST/30 March 2021
For the first time in the UK, a DTC furniture brand is using innovative live commerce to drive sales directly through Instagram. The event was conceived and created by social commerce consultancy Deft, with the brief to reach new audiences on social platforms through innovation. The “Magic Sundae” IG live event at 7pm on the 30th March.
Deft Founders and exFacebookers, Ian Crocombe and Niran Vinod, devised the event and supporting communications framework, which is a novel commerce strategy involving a live entertainment event hosted by creators on Instagram. The Magic Sundae concept combines entertainment, talent, gamification, participation and products. Snug's Magic Sundae is an IG live event where viewers can join to watch illusions from a magician, take part in a breathwork workshop, and a real-time competition involving exclusive prizes.
The entertainment comes in the form of two major talents who will create a brand experience connected to comfort and escapism. Troy, the Channel 4 stereotype-smashing magician, will be hosting a trip to magical lands. Stuart Sandeman, the breathing expert from Breathpod, will challenge the audience to float out of their reality with a unique group breathing experience. In the Grand Finale, Troy will reveal an exclusive new member of The Cloud Sundae lineup and one participant will win the Snug Sundae sofa worth £2500.
Rob Bridgman, Founder & CEO of Snug, stated “As a DTC challenger brand, we gave Deft the brief to make Snug the most innovative sofa e-tailer in the UK. The Escape into the Clouds event brings entertainment in social commerce innovation.”
Ian Crocombe, Co-Founder of Deft, commented: “We are delighted to be creating this experience for Snug. The UK retail industry is just realising the potential of social commence - and entertainment is crucial in this, Snug are leading the way with this innovative live social event. To understand what’s next in social commerce, we looked to the most advanced social platforms in China to inform this campaign.”
Escape into the clouds at 7pm 30th March